Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Smart People Never Do !


 Smart People Never Do !


Today I want to share with you five things that smart people never do

And if you're smart you're………….so please listen to these five ideas because they can change your life if you stop doing them the first is,

 Gossip smart people don't gossip they know that if they talk about other people that person may be smart enough to know that they may be talking about them as well always keep in mind that gossiping is a temporary form of relating to other people but it will never last because gossip is filled with hate it's still what slander is filled with lies but love on the other hand is different it will last its enduring and it will help you make more friends in the long run now if you're not the person that's gossiping but you listen to someone who is the gossip / you might catch them before they continue on their path for instance that person might say the word probably oh that person is probably sad or he's probably gonna get fired and as they say that you know that a rumor is coming so once you start hearing these assumptions you have to analyze the truth and you have to realize that you don't want to be stuck in this trap keep in mind that most people don't even know that their about the gossip it's something that they do on an unconscious level so you can easily change the conversation by telling them look I don't want to talk about people right now let's talk about some bigger ideas and the moment that they realize that you don't want a gossip as a moment that they realized that they'll have to shut off their hate because you don't want to  hear it remember that it takes at least two people to gossip and if you find yourself among gossipers make sure you walk away or confront the situation the second thing smart people never say is.....

Should I ,should start a business I should talk to my spouse about money I should be in better physical shape while most people are shooting all over themselves you need to turn your should into must I must get into better shape I must go into the gym I must talk to my spouse about money I must start my business I must do this right now an action taker is a complete game changer and those who know how to initiate action are going to do it because they know that it must be done remember the world doesn't want excuses it wants execution and needs someone who can follow through someone at once success someone that's willing and able to work for what they want an old mentor of mine told me  you never need to worry about should could  and would…. once you turn your shirt's coulds and woulds into must then you'll be successful the third thing that smart people never do is


 Feel Inferior because smart people know that everyone is different so why feel like you're lesser than someone else here's a key to success there's no competition there's no one trying to take your job there's no one that's trying to be better than you and there's no one that can be better than you because you're absolutely different before I started my journey to success I thought older people were smarter and richer people were better but as I became more mature I felt less inferior and I realized that wealth and wisdom can be found in any place at any time in any one you need to be confident in who you are and where you're meant to be it's easy to look into someone's life and say you know that person is better than me or that woman is gonna go far or that man I can never reach his level but the truth is that you're as good as anyone that you study anyone that you see out there in the world if you think they're better than you if you think they're smarter than you or that they're wiser or richer they're really not we're all the same we're all made out of dust and a dust is which we shall all return .

number four is Disagree smart people never disagree and hate they never disagree and anger they never become belligerent or violent because they understand that they can disagree in love there's a big difference between someone who's saying you're completely wrong versus someone that says you know what I see what you're saying however I think because one side is negative and the other side is positive one person really wants to kill the person they're listening to and the other person really wants to show love and help that person understand a different perspective look my friends I'm not telling you to agree with everyone you but what I am Telling You is to disagree gracefully is to disagree in love to disagree in a positive sense so that you and the other person could learn so much more.

fifth thing that smart people never do is

 Worry about the past look if worrying about small things are not going to make a difference what's the use of worrying about bigger things worrying about the past is one of the silliest things you can ever do it's like hitting the reset button and saying to yourself I want to start at age five again it's never going to happen in essence you can never go back in time but you can always change your present so that you can always impact your future most people get stuck because they end up worrying about what happened in the past it's good to understand the past but don't dwell on the past look something bad has happened to all of us and we have to understand that, that cannot change but what we can change is our attitudes we can change our feelings and we can change our perspective so that we take better action which will lead to superior results instead of thinking about the past and trying to get revenge on someone that may have hurt you it's time to look forward and think about those you can help it's time to use your former pains to propel you for your passion to propel you for your future to help you lift you up and reach your purpose because remember your purpose is greater than you and if you try to become bigger than your purpose then you can't do anything but if you allow your purpose to become greater than you, you could do everything and anything you want in this world forget the past and work on the present because the future is waiting for you alright my friends I've given you five things that smart people never do if you liked this  make sure you leave a comment in the section below and subscribe to this Blog I look forward to seeing you on the next ……..


1. Gossip

2. Say "Should"

3. Feel Inferior

4. Disagree

5. Worry About The Past

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